We are thankful to our Acts 29 community and partners that have made the following resources available to help you on your church planting journey.

Help For The Journey Resources
Engage the Church
Use the promo code ‘acts29’ for 50% off courses.
This is a website that incorporates a series of courses and other resources that help church teams. Courses include the “Engage the Church” curriculum that follows the book, and “Next Steps” which helps churches build a structure for connecting new people into their ministry. Other courses and resources are being added.
Thank your to Jim Applegate and Redeemer Modesto for this resource.
Cast Compelling Vision
“Vision is a futuristic picture of what COULD be, fueled by some passion of what SHOULD be.” – Andy Stanley
As leaders, we are led by the holy spirit to ask, “What is not, but should be for the Glory of God?”
Thank your to Ryan Kwon and Resonate Church for this resource.
Sent To The Workplace
Work is a big part of our lives, and that’s a good thing—God created work and has Kingdom purpose for all kinds of work, from parenting to farming to serving as a pastor. This course will help us think through how to harness that part of our lives to bring him glory and make disciples of all nations.
Thank you to Scott Zeller and Redeemer Church of Dubai for this resource.
Sharing the Great News Contextually
The world more and more is telling us that we should not share the gospel. Instead, we should leave people alone to believe what they want to believe. We are told it is arrogant to assume that our religion is the only way to heaven. We are told that we are offending people. In some places we are told that it is illegal to share the gospel.
Thank you to Scott Zeller and Redeemer Church of Dubai for this resource.
Sharing the Great News Contextually (Facilitators Guide)
The world more and more is telling us that we should not share the gospel. Instead, we should leave people alone to believe what they want to believe. We are told it is arrogant to assume that our religion is the only way to heaven. We are told that we are offending people. In some places we are told that it is illegal to share the gospel.
Thank you to Scott Zeller and Redeemer Church of Dubai for this resource.
How to Build a Healthy Church
A revised and expanded edition of The Deliberate Church, challenges leaders to evaluate their motivations for ministry and provides practical examples of healthy, deliberate leadership. Written as a companion handbook for Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, it covers important topics including membership, worship, responsible evangelism, and church roles. This is more than a step-by-step plan to mimic; it’s a biblical blueprint for pastors, elders, and anyone committed to the church’s vitality.
Thank you to Crossway for this resource
The Loveliest Place
In The Loveliest Place, Dustin Benge urges Christians to see the holy assembly of God’s redeemed people in all its eternal beauty. He explains what makes the church lovely, including the Trinitarian relationship, worship, service, and gospel proclamation. For those who have never learned to view the church as God sees it, or have become disillusioned by its flaws, this book is a reminder that the corporate gathering of believers is a reflection of God’s indescribable beauty.
Thank you to Crossway for this resource
Gospel-Centered Discipleship
In this second edition of Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Jonathan Dodson presents an effective, Spirit-led model for sanctification. Reminding readers that real discipleship is imperfect yet transformational, Dodson encourages Christians to engage more authentically with others as they grow in faith. Drawing from his own failures and successes while following Jesus, Dodson defines discipleship, describes the heart of a disciple, and gives practical guidance for mentor and peer-based discipleship as Jesus intended.
Thank you to Crossway for this resource
Book Recommendations
Hope Shifting
Finding our Acceptance, Security, Purpose, Value and Significance
This book is an attempt to help people see the difference between world, religion, and the gospel. So often when we do the work of evangelism people hear “you are calling me to religious behavior”. Others, who have grown up in the church, who want to escape religious behavior think their only option is “worldliness”. Hope-shifting provides the third option: the gospel. Hope-shifting attempts to call us out of putting our hope in worldly things and religious behavior by calling us to believe in the work that Jesus has already done for us. Hope-shifting is a book that helps people evangelize in particularly religious cultures by articulating the message of Jesus differently.
Thank your to Jim Applegate and Redeemer Modesto for this resource.
Engage the Church
This book is an attempt to help pastors and churches that preach the gospel and love people well but struggle with building leadership and structure. Engage the Church enables leadership teams to think about building structure for the new or existing church, and raise up teams to plant other churches. Engage the church follows a simple methodology that any team can read and work on together.
Thank your to Jim Applegate and Redeemer Modesto for this resource.