Cristiano Gaspar has held a church planting focus for ministry from the beginning.

In 2013, Cristiano planted Comunidade Batista de Macaé in his hometown of Macaé, Brazil. With the support of Acts 29, he served as pastor there for five years before accepting an opportunity to pastor another church in Rio de Janeiro, Igreja do Redentor. 

Since 2019, three church plants have been planted out of Igreja do Redentor. The first church, planted five years ago, will plant its first church in 2025!

Cristiano says Acts 29 is a blessing in his ministry because he receives encouragement and support both from churches in his country and from churches around the world.

When Cristiano came on as lead pastor of Igreja do Redentor, he also assumed a role with Projeto Plantador, the Acts 29 church planting collective in Brazil. The collective was designed to provide a two-year church planting program where relationships are formed, communities are built, churches are planted, men are trained, and God is glorified! The group meets online weekly and in person twice a year as part of this two-year program. Most leave this program after two years and are ready to plant a church. There are nearly 40 churches that make up Acts 29 Brazil, and over 50 percent of those were planted by pastors who went through this collective! Currently, twelve church planters are being trained, assessed, and refined through this training program. There are nearly 40 churches that make up Acts 29 Brazil, and over 50 percent of those were planted by pastors who went through this collective! Click To Tweet 

This is the vision for churches in Acts 29—to thrive in communities by proclaiming the gospel and seeking healthy multiplication. May the tremendous church-planting work in Brazil continue as generations hear and proclaim the glory of Christ. 

Written by: on septembre 18, 2024