Network: Rural Collective

Series: On The Ground

The Acts 29 Rural Collective exists to promote, recruit, develop, coach, and resource rural church planting and church planters. To that end, each month we want to highlight a rural planter in our network so you can be praying for and supportive of the vital work they’re doing to bring the good news of Jesus to their small, isolated, or forgotten community.

Where Do You Serve?

The Yukon is known for the Klondike gold rush and its vast wilderness. It’s full of wild adventures and untouched places. My wife and I, along with a small group of believers, had the great privilege of planting The Northern Collective Church in the Yukon’s capital city of Whitehorse. Whitehorse is a hub for many different nationalities and backgrounds. The entire Yukon (situated right beside Alaska) has a population of just over 42,000 people, and 70 percent of these residents live in Whitehorse. Nearly 20 small communities—each ranging from 100 to 2,000 people—surround our city, yet many have no evangelical church.

The Yukon is a beautiful but challenging place.

What Is Your Church Like?

The Northern Collective Church meets in the downtown core. However, we’re currently without a building because we’ve outgrown our previous space. It’s not uncommon for people to come off the streets and into our Sunday gatherings. We have a diverse representation of ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds. We preach Christ to the broken, inviting them to share in our hope.

Our vision is to see thriving, gospel-centered churches in all Yukon communities by making disciples that make disciples.

Our mission is to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ while teaching all people to do the same. Our vision is to see thriving, gospel-centered churches in all Yukon communities by making disciples that make disciples. We value the Great Commandment (Lev. 19:17–18), the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18–20), the golden rule (Luke 6:31), and gospel centrality (1 Cor. 15:3).

How Can Acts 29 Support And Pray For You?

  • Please pray for our Sunday gatherings as we meet in a park in the heart of our city.
  • Please pray for me as I pursue my doctorate in ministry.
  • Please pray for discernment as we seek to plant churches in other Yukon communities.

Click here to learn more about the work of The Northern Collective Church in Whitehorse. 

Harrison Kwok
Written by: Harrison Kwok on 27 Settembre, 2021