The Acts 29 Latin America Network spans from Mexico to Brazil in a region consists of over 600 million people, 35 countries, and five different main languages.


There are more than 50 partner churches in the Latin American network including churches in Guatemala, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador, among others. There are also many other churches associated with our work who are in the process of becoming members.

The Network has many different ways of training pastors and church planters, including the online platform

Join us in prayer that the Gospel would continue to bear fruit in Latin America as we seek to plant healthy churches centered on Jesus.

More info on our region

Please go to for our official spanish site. click here

Want to support or partner?

Please go here for more info click here

Church To Church Partnership Opportunities

Esteban & Joy Rojas
Iglesia Gracia y Verdad, Costa Rica

Pierre & Heilym Caravallo
Iglesia Sublime Gracia, Colombia

Claudio & Silvana Faundez
Emaus Church, Ecuador

Manuel & Andrea Valle
Iglesia Sublime Gracia, Guatemala

Armando & Gaby Ortiz
Iglesia Familia de Fe Monterrey, Mexico

Facundo & Paola Luzardo
Iglesia Bautista Adulam, Uruguay

Freddy & Nuria Nava
Iglesia Jesucristo es el Señor, Venezuela

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