What are you doing to ensure a COVID safe event?

Your safety and wellbeing is a top priority.  In light of COVID-19 we will follow national, local and health advisories and requirements.  We expect social distancing, along with mandatory masks.  We believe we can safely gather and will communicate any retreat changes or interruptions as the retreat gets closer.

Can I come before the retreat starts or stay after the retreat ends? 

The group room rate of $253 + tax is valid 3 days before/after the retreat dates and is based on hotel availability. Any additional nights will be at your own expense.

Which airport should I fly into?

Denver International Airport (DEN) is one of the largest airline hubs in the world and is about 133 miles from the Park Hyatt.  Eagle County Regional Airport is about 35 miles from the hotel with fewer commercial airline options.

My flight arrives before 4PM, can I check-in early? 

The hotel cannot guarantee early check-in, but you are welcome to leave your luggage with the bell desk and explore the village until hotel check-in at 4PM.

Are children allowed to attend? 

Nursing babies up to 12 months may attend the conference, but childcare will not be provided.  We will have a special location for nursing mothers.

What is the refund policy?

Registration is non-refundable, but can be transferred to another Acts 29 lead pastor. In the event Acts 29 must cancel the event due to COVID restrictions, a full refund will be issued.  

What other expenses should I expect to incur?

Attendees are responsible for transportation/airfare to and from the resort, transportation and parking during the retreat, meals (2 breakfasts and a dinner are included in registration) and any additional activities you would like to participate in (spa, outdoor adventures, etc).

I have more questions.  Who do I contact? 

Please email  


As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!

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Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine shoulder buffalo capicola pork belly chicken cow. Bacon brisket short ribs sausage tri-tip chicken shoulder capicola pancetta pork beef ribs. Tenderloin capicola pork belly drumstick shankle pancetta. Beef ribs frankfurter ribeye, salami beef shank picanha cupim fatback spare ribs ham hock prosciutto. Brisket beef hamburger chuck. Ham hock ground round tri-tip boudin, kielbasa tongue pork spare ribs prosciutto sirloin shank t-bone chislic brisket.

Salami kielbasa spare ribs tenderloin, meatloaf boudin meatball pastrami ball tip sirloin shankle doner alcatra rump chislic. Meatball ham hock drumstick kielbasa bacon tenderloin beef spare ribs brisket. Ham bacon short ribs ham hock drumstick brisket pork loin frankfurter tri-tip. Chislic meatloaf filet mignon shankle prosciutto short ribs. Filet mignon pig turducken andouille, spare ribs cupim corned beef ham hock t-bone.

Cupim tail beef ribs biltong spare ribs tongue. Salami spare ribs ball tip sausage jerky t-bone frankfurter jowl biltong short ribs. Hamburger corned beef prosciutto, porchetta fatback tenderloin pancetta brisket short ribs. Strip steak landjaeger buffalo, kielbasa leberkas cow ham hock venison t-bone. Burgdoggen cow leberkas boudin, short loin ham sirloin shoulder brisket cupim tri-tip. Pig frankfurter alcatra salami brisket chicken venison porchetta sirloin filet mignon. Cow frankfurter jerky pancetta.

Salami ham hock pastrami short loin. Bresaola chicken tri-tip fatback venison. Andouille shankle hamburger kielbasa tri-tip, drumstick bresaola ham tongue. Tongue bresaola pancetta venison ground round, ham meatball porchetta biltong cow meatloaf. Bresaola beef t-bone venison tenderloin. Flank t-bone chislic, filet mignon frankfurter ground round biltong. Pancetta filet mignon prosciutto alcatra.

Boudin beef fatback ham kielbasa sirloin. Corned beef drumstick tenderloin ham alcatra. Cow tenderloin short loin capicola doner landjaeger flank pancetta burgdoggen prosciutto frankfurter ground round ham corned beef. Kevin chislic turkey prosciutto fatback andouille.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean

Find a Church

As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!


As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!

This is a title here

Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine shoulder buffalo capicola pork belly chicken cow. Bacon brisket short ribs sausage tri-tip chicken shoulder capicola pancetta pork beef ribs. Tenderloin capicola pork belly drumstick shankle pancetta. Beef ribs frankfurter ribeye, salami beef shank picanha cupim fatback spare ribs ham hock prosciutto. Brisket beef hamburger chuck. Ham hock ground round tri-tip boudin, kielbasa tongue pork spare ribs prosciutto sirloin shank t-bone chislic brisket.

Salami kielbasa spare ribs tenderloin, meatloaf boudin meatball pastrami ball tip sirloin shankle doner alcatra rump chislic. Meatball ham hock drumstick kielbasa bacon tenderloin beef spare ribs brisket. Ham bacon short ribs ham hock drumstick brisket pork loin frankfurter tri-tip. Chislic meatloaf filet mignon shankle prosciutto short ribs. Filet mignon pig turducken andouille, spare ribs cupim corned beef ham hock t-bone.

Cupim tail beef ribs biltong spare ribs tongue. Salami spare ribs ball tip sausage jerky t-bone frankfurter jowl biltong short ribs. Hamburger corned beef prosciutto, porchetta fatback tenderloin pancetta brisket short ribs. Strip steak landjaeger buffalo, kielbasa leberkas cow ham hock venison t-bone. Burgdoggen cow leberkas boudin, short loin ham sirloin shoulder brisket cupim tri-tip. Pig frankfurter alcatra salami brisket chicken venison porchetta sirloin filet mignon. Cow frankfurter jerky pancetta.

Salami ham hock pastrami short loin. Bresaola chicken tri-tip fatback venison. Andouille shankle hamburger kielbasa tri-tip, drumstick bresaola ham tongue. Tongue bresaola pancetta venison ground round, ham meatball porchetta biltong cow meatloaf. Bresaola beef t-bone venison tenderloin. Flank t-bone chislic, filet mignon frankfurter ground round biltong. Pancetta filet mignon prosciutto alcatra.

Boudin beef fatback ham kielbasa sirloin. Corned beef drumstick tenderloin ham alcatra. Cow tenderloin short loin capicola doner landjaeger flank pancetta burgdoggen prosciutto frankfurter ground round ham corned beef. Kevin chislic turkey prosciutto fatback andouille.

Join Us

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean

Find a Church

As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!