Acts 29 offers church leaders decades of field-tested training and guidance for planting healthy, multiplying churches around the globe.

Why Apply

The call to make disciples is answered most effectively through gospel-centered churches. We support church planters and their families with effective tools, deep relationships, and sage guidance to help your church grow, thrive and glorify God.

What’s Involved

Our four-stage assessment process is the primary way we help potential planters determine their readiness to plant a church. After the initial application, online assignments, and a phone interview, a planter/pastor and his wife are invited to attend an assessment conference.

Who Should Apply

Church planting is a challenging but rewarding task, and not everyone is called to it. We help potential planters, existing pastors, and interested church leaders explore church planting and set them up on a stage-appropriate track.


Acts 29 has identified 11 core competencies essential to planting a church. These will help you answer the big question: am I a church planter?

How to Apply

Fill out our online application to start the process. Once completed, you’ll be invited to meet with an Acts 29 leader.

Committed and United

Members of Acts 29 enter into a covenant together to plant new churches, maintain theological integrity, and support the leaders of Acts 29 as they grow our diverse, global network of healthy, multiplying churches.

Upcoming Assessment Conferences

As a part of Acts 29’s assessment process, after successful completion of the online application, online coursework, and phone interview, a planter and his wife are invited to a two-day assessment conference, where Acts 29 assessors will help the couple explore their calling to plant in both formal and informal settings.

Our 2025 assessment conferences are as follows:

March 18-20, 2025: Washington D.C. (USA)
September 9-11, 2025: Location TBD
November 18-20, 2025: Location TBD