Five years ago, Wasilla Bible Church, a nearly 50-year-old well-established church in Wasilla, Alaska, was in a leadership transition and saw an opportunity for missional growth. Through this transition, they set their sights on two main goals: find partner churches on every inhabitable continent and engage more in local church planting. 

Although Wasilla Bible was a thriving church in their community, they weren’t much involved with church planting and didn’t know where to begin. Jake Davies their Extended Ministries Pastor, found Acts 29 and was intrigued. He said, “We couldn’t do this on our own. We needed help. When I started looking at organizations centered on church planting, we engaged with a few but proactively pursued Acts 29 because of a shared theology and proven foundation of church planting.”

Wasilla Bible Church is non-denominational, so they hadn’t formally partnered with a group or network like Acts 29. With a shared theology and passion for mission and church planting, Wasilla Bible Church partnered with Acts 29 in 2019 to begin planting and supporting churches around the world. “We couldn’t do this on our own. We needed help. When I started looking at organizations centered on church planting, we engaged with a few but proactively pursued Acts 29 because of a shared theology and proven foundation of church… Click To Tweet

Since partnering with Acts 29 nearly five years ago, Wasilla Bible Church has global partners on every inhabitable continent, from Guatemala to Australia, Poland to the Philippines. They continue to be a catalyst for other Acts 29 churches, both in the US and abroad, to encourage mutually beneficial and edifying partnerships.

Wasilla Bible Church recently sent a member to plant a new church in Big Lake, Alaska, where they’re working toward a public launch in fall 2024. Along with other Acts 29 churches in their region, they helped establish a special fund to help financially support new church plants in Alaska.

Wasilla Bible Church set out to find global partners and plant churches, and with partnership in Acts 29, they’ve done precisely that. When you support Acts 29, you support churches like Wasilla Bible and their partners as we engage the God-glorifying mission of planting churches worldwide. 

Written by: on 9月 22, 2024