Acts 29 has assessed more than 1,500 church plants and churches. This wealth of experience enables us to offer effective assessments to both individuals and churches seeking to plant.

An integral part of our assessment process is the conference. Following the successful completion of our online assessment, participants will be invited to the conference, where we will explore your calling to plant in both formal and informal settings. 

When an existing church seeks to join Acts 29, we either conduct an on-site assessment at your location or invite the lead pastor and his wife to attend the conference.

The assessment conference includes the following: 

  1. Preaching assessment. The men will be given a text prior to the assessment conference to preach on for a predetermined time frame, usually 20 minutes.  
  2. Pastoral assessment. Applicants will be presented with a case study of a pastoral situation in the context of church planting and asked to discuss in a group setting how they might address the situation.
  3. Strategic planning assessment. Applicants will be asked to present their strategic plan to a group of assessors who will ask questions for clarification and engage with their plan.
  4. Wives discussion. During the conference wives are invited to  a few informal discussions with the female assessors to talk about their expectations of ministry and to explore a complementarian approach to planting.
  5. Interview. Over the course of two interviews, the applicant’s individual assessment team will ask questions to better assess their giftedness to plant with Acts 29.
  6. Meal times. Throughout the conference, meals and breaks are key times to build relationships with other applicants and assessors, to relax and learn from one another.

Acts 29 is a relationship-driven network. These conferences are a great way to begin building relationships within the Acts 29 community. 

We will be hosting the following assessment conferences in 2025:

  • March 18-20, 2025: Washington D.C. (USA)
  • September 9-11, 2025: Location TBD
  • November 18-20, 2025: Location TBD