Acts 29 is an organization and global network of churches bound together by relationship, theology, and mission.
About Acts 29
Acts 29 exists to plant churches worldwide by recruiting, assessing, training, and supporting church planters. We offer church leaders decades of experience-proven training, guidance, and tools for planting churches designed to grow and thrive. The call to make disciples is answered most effectively through gospel-centered churches—join us in the mission.

We plant churches worldwide.

Acts 29 is a theologically-driven, gospel-centered organization that stands in the tradition of historic evangelical confessionalism. We affirm the Lausanne Covenant and embrace a reformed view of salvation. We are committed to the following five theological distinctives:
- Gospel centrality in all of life
- The sovereign grace of God in saving sinners
- The work of the Holy Spirit for life and ministry
- The equality of men and women and the principle of male servant leadership
- The local church as God’s primary mission strategy

Staff Members

A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Andy lives in his hometown with his wife, Ashley, and their four children.

Boyd hobbies are bow hunting, his Traeger, and anything outdoors. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from The Baptist College and a Master’s degree from Liberty University.