What Is ARCH?

ARCH is the Acts 29 Resource Collaboration Hub. It is a bridge between our global church-planters as we pool our experience, knowledge and learning. Coming from Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia Pacific the members of the Arch team are working on the development and delivery of global content as well as the philosophy of theological education across the world.

We are hoping to create, all across our global network, the training ecosystem we need to raise up, assess and deploy church-planters and church-planting teams. We will be running Arch Symposia on topics of global interest 5 times a year, aiming to equip, inform and inspire the local church in its mission.

Through the ARCH project we want to steward the gift God has given us, namely a network of interconnected, multiplying churches all over the globe.


Upcoming ARCH Symposiums

To stay updated on the details of the upcoming symposium's, kindly fill out the sign-up form at the bottom of this page.

Neil Powell

The Roman Church: A Biblical Case For Collaboration In Trans-Denominational City Engagement

27 February 2025


Details To Follow

27 March 2025


Blake Schwarz

Details To Follow

24 April 2025


Leonardo De Chirico

Sharing the gospel with your Catholic friends. Yes, but how?

22 May 2025


Latest ARCH Symposium

The Sacraments and the Mission of the Church

In his presentation, Blocher delves into the profound connection between the sacraments and the Christian mission. Drawing from his extensive research and biblical insights, he clarifies our understanding of the sacraments by exploring how baptism and the Lord’s Supper serve as bodily confessions to the truth of the gospel and thus fulfill their role in the Great Commission. He also reflects on the importance of our personal response to the sacraments, the role of community and institutions in sustaining them, and their symbolic witness as anthropological appeals that resonate deeply with human experience.

Past ARCH Symposia

Seven Stages of Contextualization

What is contextualization and how should we do it?
This term stands at the intersection of many diverse and conflicting ministry theories. In this symposium, Dr Brian DeVries will define the term by looking at seven distinct models of contextualization within intercultural ministry. Dr DeVries will use “cross-cultural church planting” as the specific area of intercultural ministry in which to describe and apply contextualization theory. His goal is to explain the diverse types of contextualization in a way that is both biblical and useful for contemporary ministry. This will help refine our understanding, and also improve the practice of contextualization in our ministries.

The Importance Of Elenctics in Global Missions

“Elenctics” refers to the unmasking and convicting of sin, and it appears in various forms eighteen times in the New Testament. At one time, elenctics was considered so important that it had its own department within mission departments in theological seminaries. In this symposium, Dr Dan Strange investigates the nature of elenctics and discuss why it needs to make a comeback in our evangelism, apologetics, and discipleship efforts.

Leading Diverse Team

In a polarized world, could multicultural teams be a key to bridging barriers, modeling gospel unity, and bearing witness to the Risen Lord in a Post-Christendom era? Drawing upon his experience serving on multicultural teams in NYC and Portland, Dr Stephen Stallard explores theology, history, and praxis for diverse teams. He points us back towards the blueprint in The Acts of the Apostles and seek to apply it to contemporary contexts. The conversation is wide-ranging, covering doctrine, mission, theory, and method.

Preaching Perspectives

In this symposium, we looked at perspectives on preaching by listening to a dialogue between two pastors and theological educators, one from the global South and global North: Annang Asumang (South African Theological Seminary), and Tim Ward (Oak Hill College, London). Among other things, we will look at the state of preaching in both cultural contexts, the importance of preaching in the life of the church, and what we might learn from each other given our different settings.

Relevance of Theological Retrieval

What is the value of retrieving theology of past eras when our present one has so many pressing issues of its own? In our age, the word “unprecedented” has become something of a cliché. Everything we deal with, we insist, is new. From the befuddling topic of transgenderism to the challenges and benefits of A.I., we are convinced that our ethical and anthropological debates are cutting edge—we, unlike any generation that came before us, venture into uncharted territory. But does this apply to the realm of theological disagreements as well? Are our many theological controversies insurmountably novel? In this symposium, Dr. Samuel G. Parkison defends with the Solomonic dictum that “nothing is new under the sun” (Eccl 1:9). Parkison commends the practice of theological retrieval, not for the sake of idolizing the past, but as an exercise of good stewardship and wisdom for navigating present theological concerns.

The History and Formation of Church Planting Movements

Church planting movements have been a topic of much discussion in missiology. This symposium aims to provide a deeper understanding of the background, motivations, and current state of this global phenomenon. By exploring the formation of church planting movements, we hope to cultivate a more robust theological discussion on the pros and cons of this approach to church planting and missions.

Multiperspectivalism and Global Theology

Dr Daub’s research focuses on ‘perspectivalism’, a method supported by theologian Vern Poythress. The goal of the research is to help the church adopt a theological framework that supports an evangelical catholicity of the Christian faith. This framework also incorporates perspectives from various contextual theologies.

Secular Creed with Rebecca McLaughlin

We’re delighted that the author Rebecca McLaughlin joined us to discuss the content of her recent book: The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims. This book helps us disentangle the beliefs Christians gladly affirm from those they cannot embrace, and invites us to talk with our neighbors about the things that matter most. Far from opposing love across difference, Rebecca argues, Christianity is the original source and firmest foundation for true diversity, equality, and life-transforming love.

Embracing Complementarianism

Acts 29 Pastor Graham Beynon (Grace Church, Cambridge, UK) and Jane Tooher (Moore Theological College) will be joining us to discuss some of the material in their upcoming book Embracing Complementarianism: Turning Biblical Convictions into Positive Church Culture. A critical and timely topic for us to be discussing as a family of churches.

Exploring a Biblical Theology of Nationhood


Jeremy Fowler studied History at Oxford and Theology at Oak Hill College. He and his family spent eleven years in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq where he taught Kurdish history and ran a language consultancy, and regularly discussed the big questions of faith. Together with his wife Joy and their four children, Jeremy is now based in Oxford, sharing the gospel contextually and training people in intercultural ministry.

In our ARCH Symposium, Jeremy explores a biblical theology of nationhood, and how it should be expressed in the local church. He will draw on two decades of ministry in Iraq, Turkey and the UK among Kurdish people, who want to see their nation flourish and who are intrigued by biblical accounts of their ancestors the Medes.

The Thought and Legacy of Andrew Walls

The name of Andrew F. Walls (1928 – 2021) is revered within the field of Mission Studies and the development of the discipline of ‘World Christianity’. Despite his significance as a towering figure in the academic area, Walls is not known primarily for major academic publications. In fact, it might well be said that Walls, like Paul the apostle, has produced ‘living publications’ in the form of the many students he has supervised and encouraged over the years.

Alistair Wilson, a lecturer in mission and New Testament at Edinburgh Theological Seminary and a minister of the Free Church of Scotland, will be sharing some of the most significant insights from the writings and teachings of Andrew Walls with a focus on what this looks like in our local church context.

Unity In Diversity – Contextual Hermeneutics

Elizabeth shared what we can learn from the gospels on unity and diversity and how to contextualize it in the various global contexts.

What is ARCH?

On 06 October 2021 Philip Moore interviewed Dr Bat Manyika and Dr Dan Strange on the "What Is ARCH?". As hosts of future symposia, they discussed the purpose, nature and ethos of the ARCH Project, as well as what we can look forward to in future symposia.


If you’d like to hear about future ARCH news and Symposiums, sign up here.


Philip Moore

Philip Moore

Ronell King

Ronell King

Dan Strange

Dr. Dan Strange

ARCH Symposium Host