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Discerning the Call to Church Planting?
Church planting is a direct answer to the call of Jesus’s Great Commission. And while it is incredibly important, it can be equally as daunting of a task. It will come with more joy than you can imagine, and more difficulty than you can plan for. On the difficult days, you must be able to hold fast to a belief that God has called you to this important mission, and he will sustain you through it.
But how can you be sure that God is calling you?
Acts 29 has 25 years of proven experience planting churches worldwide. We offer training, guidance, and tools for planting churches all in a relational network designed to keep you and your church healthy and sustainable.
To help you discern this important call to church planting, we’ve applied our years of experience to creating a free online course just for you! Sign up today and we will send you information to access the Acts 29 Church Planting Apprenticeship for free!
We pray it serves you well in your church planting journey, and will be in touch!
Keep reading to learn other ways Acts 29 can help you on your church-planting journey!
Acts 29’s proven church planting pipeline meets potential planters where they are and develops them for ministry–taking them from calling to an effective, self-sustaining church that is making an impact in their local context:
- Recruit: Proactively identify potential church planters
- Train: Church planters complete apprenticeship and residency to clarify the call to plant and gain ministry training.
- Assess: Rigorous evaluation process that helps to identify places for growth and prepare a planter for ministry.
- Coaching and Cohorts: Church planters are placed in cohorts with other pastors in similar stages for ongoing mentorship related to launch and becoming self-sustaining, self-governing, and self-replicating.
- Ongoing Support: Acts 29 provides a network of relationships and care for every aspect of a pastor’s ministry and well-being, helping him and his church be more effective in reaching the nations with the gospel.
It is our goal to come alongside you and support you–wherever you are in the church planting process.