Event Title

Event Date and Time

Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine shoulder buffalo capicola pork belly chicken cow. Bacon brisket short ribs sausage tri-tip chicken shoulder capicola pancetta pork beef ribs. Tenderloin capicola pork belly drumstick shankle pancetta. Beef ribs frankfurter ribeye, salami beef shank picanha cupim fatback spare ribs ham hock prosciutto. Brisket beef hamburger chuck. Ham hock ground round tri-tip boudin, kielbasa tongue pork spare ribs prosciutto sirloin shank t-bone chislic brisket.

Salami kielbasa spare ribs tenderloin, meatloaf boudin meatball pastrami ball tip sirloin shankle doner alcatra rump chislic. Meatball ham hock drumstick kielbasa bacon tenderloin beef spare ribs brisket. Ham bacon short ribs ham hock drumstick brisket pork loin frankfurter tri-tip.



Network Director | Latin America

Francisco began his ministry as a teenager and during the last 20 years has preached in several countries around the world. He is the lead pastor of Casa de Libertad in Guatemala City and has a passion to reach others with the Gospel through church planting. He lives in Guatemala with his wife Carol and his 4 children.


Global Assessment Coordinator

Alejandro is the assessment coordinator for Latin America. He is also part of the staff and church planting team at Casa de Libertad in Guatemala City. He lives in Guatemala City.


Country Director | Brazil

Cristiano is planting Comunidade Batista Macaé, a new church in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cristiano serves as a leader in the Projeto Plantador church planting residency. Cristiano has a Bachelors In Business Management. He is married to Edna, and the father of Mariana and Alice.


Latin America | Assistant to the Network Director

Marianna is the event coordinator for Latin America. She is also a staff member for Casa de Libertad in Guatemala city. Marianna moved from her native Costa Rica in 2016 to join Casa de Libertad and work in full time ministry.


Latin America | Country Coordinator - Ecuador

Steve, with his wife, Sandi co-founded Compassion Connection and have been serving in Latin America since 1998. His primary tasks are the training of pastors and church leaders, mentoring and coaching new church planters and connecting new local churches in Ecuador with stateside local churches in Acts 29.
Event Schedule

January 1st, 2022


8am – Arrive
9am – Listen
10am – Worship
11am – Speaker
12pm – Lunch
1pm – Nap
2pm – Speaker
3pm – Leave

January 1st, 2022


8am – Arrive
9am – Listen
10am – Worship
11am – Speaker
12pm – Lunch
1pm – Nap
2pm – Speaker
3pm – Leave

January 1st, 2022


8am – Arrive
9am – Listen
10am – Worship
11am – Speaker
12pm – Lunch
1pm – Nap
2pm – Speaker
3pm – Leave

January 1st, 2022


8am – Arrive
9am – Listen
10am – Worship
11am – Speaker
12pm – Lunch
1pm – Nap
2pm – Speaker
3pm – Leave

Location Details

Salami kielbasa spare ribs tenderloin, meatloaf boudin meatball pastrami ball tip sirloin shankle doner alcatra rump chislic. Meatball ham hock drumstick kielbasa bacon tenderloin beef spare ribs brisket. Ham bacon short ribs ham hock drumstick brisket pork loin frankfurter tri-tip.