Isabelle grew up a happy child in Guatemala City. She loved her family, and loved her life. Until she didn’t. 

At a young age, Isabelle began struggling with her mental health, resorting to cutting herself, and attempting suicide multiple times. She was diagnosed with bipolar and didn’t feel as though there was any reason to live. 

As she began to get help from a therapist and psychiatrist, she visited Casa de Libertad—an Acts 29 church—for the first time. She entered with a heavy heart, burdened by the weight of life. 

It was in this brokenness that she encountered the gospel for the first time.

Through the loving care and discipleship of this local church and Pastor Francisco Bendfeldt, Isabel found healing—not just spiritually, but holistically. She committed her life to Christ, was baptized, and immersed herself in the life of the church. Slowly the darkness continued to lift, and she began to believe that life was worth living again. 

Today, Isabelle is a worship leader at Casa de Libertad—passionately serving and sharing the gospel with others. She is free from her past struggles and mental health issues and now walks in the light of Christ, looking forward to new opportunities to serve and minister to those with disabilities.

Isabelle’s story is a testament to the local church’s power to transform lives. Though not all who follow Christ will experience physical healing, Isabelle’s journey from spiritual darkness to light is a powerful example of how God uses his church to bring hope, healing, and life to the broken.

Written by: on 10月 14, 2024