Pablo Di Gilio is no stranger to church planting. Nearly 13 years ago, he planted his first church in Latin America. As his initial congregation flourished, Pablo recognized the call to plant once more. This time, he partnered with Acts 29, seizing the opportunity to be part of a growing network dedicated to spreading the gospel.

When Pablo began his journey, Acts 29 wasn’t active in Latin America, but as he planted his second church, Acts 29’s involvement in the country had grown, and Pablo knew he wanted to be part of the network. “Being part of Acts 29 not only encourages my growth but connects me with other church planters and pastors who offer invaluable wisdom and guidance.”“Being part of Acts 29 not only encourages my growth but connects me with other church planters and pastors who offer invaluable wisdom and guidance.” Click To Tweet

Two years ago, Pablo followed another path in his church planting story, this time to Miami, Florida. While Miami’s demographics reflect those of Latin America, Pablo quickly learned that the cultural landscape presented unique challenges. “Our ecclesiology, discipleship, and gospel mission remain unchanged, but planting in Miami is a whole different beast,” he explains. Even though many church planting principles transcend context, the lived-out experience varies greatly and requires a church planter who can apply the principles incarnationally.

So, why continue planting churches, especially after achieving success? Pablo is passionate about inspiring other church planters to dream big. “I’d love to steer the hearts of church planters to dream again…to encourage some to consider planting again after they’ve found success elsewhere,” he says. His heart for church planting extends beyond Miami; he remains actively involved with Acts 29 Latin America, eager to support initiatives that empower local leaders.

Written by: on octobre 27, 2024